About Us

Mark A. Freed Consulting is owned and operated by Mark A. Freed.

Mark  brings with him over twenty years of senior project management experience and more than fifteen years experience in the education industry. Highlights of his varied career include managing Student Auxiliary Services and Logistic Provision to institutes of higher education, K-12 schools and their students. He has also served as Contract, Asset and Grants Manager and Public Information Officer for an institution of higher education. Mr. Freed has a long history of community involvement in education.  He assisted with the implementation of the U.S. Navy's Partnership in Excellence Program bringing military members into the K-12 classroom as mentors, guest teachers, tutors and volunteers. In his local community, Mr. Freed continues to volunteer many hours serving underprivileged and needy children by helping improve safety net social services and by acting as a classroom mentor and role model in the K-12 space. In his last position, as the Vice President of the Company, he helped to lead an $2 Million e-commerce company to $40 Million is a space of 7 years.

In addition, we partner with other consultants and independent contractors to bring you highly qualified individuals in their fields of expertise. This saves you time and money in using a firm that can bring to you what you need instead of you having to search for different firms.

We look forward to you contacting us to see if we can assist you in growing your business.
